• What is innovative on OnTrackTeaching?
    • What does real-time feedback mean?
    • How is the program individualizing the worksheets for optimized learning?
    • How does the program help teachers with their everyday task?
    • Why is it important to involve all (teachers, parents, students) in the process of education?
    • How does the system protect privacy of its data?
    • Which browsers are supported by the OnTrackTeaching system?
    • How can I reassign teachers to different classes?
    • Is there a way I can easily get a school progress report or get basic statistics about my school?
    • What reports can I generate as School Autrhority?
    • What do I need to extend the school’s subscription for the next school year?
    • What happens if there are curriculum changes required from school board authorities?
    • Which graphs can I generate as a Teacher?
    • How does the dashboard make it easy for me to stay current with my class(es) performance?
    • Can I review my schedule for all classes I teach in a single calendar?
    • Can I export reports?
    • How can I see my kid’s progress?
    • Can I see the class schedule for all my kids?
    • Do I get notified if my kid is not performing well so I can take corrective actions?
    • Can the system help me find a tutor accredited with the school if I need one for my student?
    • Can I see how I am doing compared to my classmates?
    • Why are my worksheets different from my classmate’s?
    • Is the time it takes me to answer a question recorded?
    • I like the 3 student icons on my scored worksheets. What do they mean?