Smart for LifeTM
On Track Teaching
What is innovative on OnTrackTeaching?
OnTrackTeaching is based on a real-time feedback driven approach to learning to make students more successful. Its patent-pending “ADAM™” (Automated Data Assessment & Management) technology tracks every student’s progression and identifies weaknesses on a personal level, so they can be corrected based on individual needs. The computer-based system assists teachers, parents and students alike in their common goal to succeed. Teachers have more time for hands-on class activities as worksheets are generated and scored automatically. parents are kept informed about their students’ progress, and students receive a workload they can handle, yet are specifically treated according to their skills and capabilities. This creates a community environment where everybody is motivated to help every student excel.
What does real-time feedback mean?
This means that student’s worksheets are scored immediately after submitting the answers, so students, parents and teachers have a report about accomplishments or shortcomings right away, and not at the end of the semester or school year. This way, progress tracking is always up-to-date and motivates all involved.
How is the program individualizing the worksheets for optimized learning?
Each student has a unique student ID that follows progression from class to class and topic to topic. Based on test results, each student will receive different learning materials depending on individual strengths, skills and shortcomings. The worksheets are generated in several different levels to focus on achieving best overall performance through repetition in areas where weaknesses have been detected.
How does the program help teachers with their everyday task?
The program assists teachers by providing question banks for all topics of a subject in accordance to the curriculum requirements of each grade from which worksheets for every student in a class are automatically generated. It also allows teachers to interactively generate their own worksheets or adding resources for their class. As OnTrackTeaching monitors each student individually by issuing a worksheet that is focused on the student’s abilities, but also keeps track of the class progress in general and automatically scores each worksheet after completion by the student, the teacher has always a current view of class performance. Through automation, generating exercises and scoring the results has been reduced to minutes rather than hours. Additionally, the program provides every teacher insights how the class responds to their educational efforts on a very detailed level, and they can focus more on other tasks than their routine work. This reduces the daily workload for teachers significantly.
Why is it important to involve all (teachers, parents, students) in the process of education?
Education is a social process which is influenced by many circumstances. Students today meet many challenges and in an information and media age lots of distractions are imminent. In a society exposed to constant communication flow from many resources, the focus on learning is constantly competing with those influences. The challenge is to motivate everyone that takes part in the success by making learning a lifelong priority and understanding its impact on society. A program which is fun to use, and at the same time, helps with effective and seemingly effortless learning makes all the differences. Assisting teachers and parents in their efforts to maximize a student’s opportunity to be more successful in life reduces the common tensions between school and home and makes all parties a winner.
How does the system protect privacy of its data?
The system uses a sophisticated authentication system with different access to specific parts of the system for school authorities, teachers, parents and students. All internet communication is performed using secure sockets layer (SSL) to ensure a secure data transfer. All personal data are handled in accordance with legal privacy protection regulations. You can read our privacy policy at: privacy policy
Which browsers are supported by the OnTrackTeaching system?
OnTrackTeaching supports all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome). Although the look may be slightly different depending on your browser, the content on all web pages will dynamically resize according to your screen resolution.
How can I reassign teachers to different classes?
The School Authorities Dashboard provides easy functions to administer teachers of a school and their assignment to a class. Depending if you are a Principal, School Administrator or Trustee, you have different administrative rights and can manage according to your level teachers and students of the school as well as approve tutors. You can also manage the general timetable of the school for all teachers when you assign or reassign them to a class. You are also able to perform grades management and division assignment of teachers in cases where several classes exist within the same grade.
Is there a way I can easily get a school progress report or get basic statistics about my school?
Yes. The dashboard for Principal and authorized School Administrators provides secure access to teacher performance, class performance and student performance reports. It also gives an overview about number of teachers and students and other basic demographics.
What reports can I generate as School Autrhority?
You can generate several reports which fall into 3 categories: Teacher Performance Reports, Class Performance Reports and Students Performance Reports. For example, the All Teachers Performance Report for a Class provides a graphical overview about a class’ performance across all different subjects (for instance, Math, English, Science, History, etc.).Teacher Performance Report for Subjects over time for any grade and class can be generated in form of interactive bar charts with percentage score, All charts are printable in publication quality, and all numeric tabular data can be exported as delimited text for use in spreadsheets or presentations.
What do I need to extend the school’s subscription for the next school year?
If your school has an annual subscription to the OnTrackTeaching program, the registered Master Authority of your school will receive a renewal form in the last month of the school year for the coming one. Some schools have multi-year subscriptions or auto-renewal activation; in those cases, you will get notified that your subscription is valid for the next school year without any action required from your side.
What happens if there are curriculum changes required from school board authorities?
OnTrackTeaching staff monitors changes in the curriculum and will notify all affected schools in the districts the school board made changes. Such changes typically do not occur in the middle of a school year, but if so, the topic requirements will be updated as a separate set until all outstanding worksheets have been evaluated and scored.
Which graphs can I generate as a Teacher?
From the dashboard you can generate intuitive pie chart class performance comparisons for all topics of a subject and grade over different time periods as well as selective reports for individual worksheets, subjects or classes. These reports can help you in your teaching efforts as they provide clues to better understand class habits and learning curves for topics which may require specific attention.
How does the dashboard make it easy for me to stay current with my class(es) performance?
The Teacher Dashboard is a one-stop overview of your classes’ performances, your teaching schedule, and allows at the same time to manage worksheets, curriculum, reports and tutors from a single page. You can generate comparative graphical class reports for different time intervals and different subjects and can get those emailed to you directly. This single access point right after your login provides you all valuable data to help you with your teaching tasks and free you from time-consuming manual reviews.
Can I review my schedule for all classes I teach in a single calendar?
Yes. The calendar in the teacher’s dashboard shows a weekly overview of all class schedules of the teacher.
Can I export reports?
Yes. All of the reports are exportable as delimited text to use in spreadsheets or presentations. You also can generate high quality charts from most of the graphs to print out for publications.
How can I see my kid’s progress?
OnTrackTeaching made it easy for parents to review their student’s progress. From the Parent’s Dashboard, worksheets, reports and assignments can be reviewed. This includes completed worksheets with their scores, missed worksheets, detailed reports for each worksheet, by subject or in comparison to your student’s classmates, as well as completed and new assignments. In addition, you will be notified periodically by the system automatically, if your help is needed.
Can I see the class schedule for all my kids?
Yes. You can see the schedules for all your student’s side-by-side, so it is easy to track multiple children’s lesson plans from a single entry point. As a parent with multiple children in school, you also can review their performance, assignments, finished and missed worksheets and other reports for all in a single dashboard.
Do I get notified if my kid is not performing well so I can take corrective actions?
Yes. Parents will receive periodically automatic notifications of their student’s progress. We feel strongly that a parent should know when their student is struggling with a certain topic. Being able to address shortcoming early makes a big difference. Likewise, sharing pride in your student’s performance enhances motivation and warrants success.
Can the system help me find a tutor accredited with the school if I need one for my student?
Yes. OnTrackTeaching provides for schools the ability to list approved tutors in your neighborhood in case you need them. If you get notified, that your student may require tutoring in a specific topic to meet the goal, you will be automatically notified and your teacher will contact you with details about tutoring options.
Can I see how I am doing compared to my classmates?
Yes. You can see all your work and the scores on your individualized worksheets, and have the ability to see subject performance reports in comparison to the class average. You also can compare your performance topic-wise against the class average to help you assessing which topics require your attention. Your auto-generated worksheets will help you keeping pace with your classmates as you will receive your own set of questions based on your ability and needs to make you succeed without stress.
Why are my worksheets different from my classmate’s?
The score on your last worksheet determines which worksheet will appear next in your dashboard as new assignment. The nice thing about this is, that each student can progress at his or her own speed, so therefore different students will receive different worksheets on the same topic from time to time to adjust for their individual abilities. At the end, all that counts is your success!
Is the time it takes me to answer a question recorded?
Yes, each worksheet records the time it takes you to complete the set of questions. This helps to find out which tests seem more difficult to you in comparison to others. However, this does not mean you should rush your answers – a right answer which takes a bit longer is still better than a rushed wrong one. However, it is also possible to print out the worksheet questions and then return to your dashboard to input the answers.
I like the 3 student icons on my scored worksheets. What do they mean?
There are three different icons used across sections of web pages and on scored worksheets which act as progress happiness indicators. Each represents a different mood, like from happy to sad. When you reach over 80% score on the worksheet, a happy icon appears; if you score less than 30%, a disappointed icon appears. If you are scoring between 30% - 80%, you will see a fairly neutral looking icon. Try to get as many happy icons as possible! It will make you feel good, and your parents and teacher happy.